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Better Than Awning Windows

The Difference Between Flip Out Windows and Awning Windows

Flip Out Windows are gas strut windows that offer the ability to create a beautiful and natural path from the interior to the exterior of your home. The key advantage over an awning window is the Flip Out Window opens and locks at a full ninety degree angle. 


Flip Out Windows are true pass-thru windows with no bottom rail or support to get in the way of serving both foods and drinks directly from your kitchen to the outdoors. This window offers a seamless transition from the outside to the inside!


sleek kitchen remodel with pass through window

Easy-to-Use and Secure Windows

Another key difference between an awning window and our gas strut window is that the Flip Out Window opens with a gentle push and the shocks take over, no cranking required. Our windows are also extremely secure with double locks on each window unit.

Contact Us

Showroom Location:

1001 Calle Negocio

San Clemente, CA 92673


Tel: (949)367-0642


Hours of Service:

Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 4:30 pm

​​Sat & Sun - Closed

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Flip Out Windows ®

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